Monday, 4 October 2010

RSS. Introduction

Let me introduce an extremely useful theme about RSS Aggregators. To begin with, I'd like to explain, what RSS is. RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication and Rich Site Summary. RSS is an XML-based format for content distribution. An RSS feed is a set of instructions residing on the computer server of a Web site, which is given upon request to a subscriber’s RSS reader, or aggregator. The feed tells the reader when new material—such as a news article, a blog posting, or an audio or a video clip—has been published on the Web site. The aggregator monitors any number of sites’ feeds.

1 comment:

  1. Helen,

    Thanks for getting your blog up and running about your Internet class topic. That is a good start about RSS feed. I've added your blog to my Google reader and to the class blog.

    Now the students and I will be looking for your weekly updates on the topic.

